Pega - Upgrade from Pega 6 to Pega 7

Replacements for deprecated UI components

The following table lists the Pega 7 Platform UI component that replaces each deprecated UI component.

Deprecated UI component

New Pega 7 Platform UI component

Fixed Portals

Composite Portals

Work Areas

Dynamic Containers

Smart, Custom, Freeform Layouts

Dynamic Layouts

Row Repeats, Data Grid

Repeat Grid or Repeating Dynamic Layouts

Menu Bar


Dynamic Select, PromptSelect




Branding Wizard, Inline Style, and custom CSS

Skin Rule

Embedded List Views

Report-definitions and repeating grids

Rich Text Editor

CKE Editor

HTML Directives

JSP Tags


data page

Cascading Dynamic Select



HTML5 Readiness & UI Auto Upgrade Utilities

HTML5 Application Readiness Landing Page

UI Auto Upgrade Utilities

·         Need to run Revalidate & Save utility to populate this info

·         Lists all harnesses using custom JavaScript or CSS

·         Lists all non-Auto-generated sections

·         Lists all sections using deprecated controls, layouts and inline styles

·         Upgrading Deprecated Controls

·         Upgrade Work Area to Dynamic Container

·         Upgrade Smart Layouts to Dynamic Layouts

·         Remove inline styles

·         Convert pre-6.1 Flow Actions


Application Upgrade Utilities


The following utilities identify potential issues with your Application rules on the new release.  It is recommended that you run all of these utilities, however, not all steps may return results for your Application.





Convert Flow Actions

Lists and converts pre 6.1 version flow actions to make them compatible with 6.1 and higher versions.


Upgrade CSS

Lists and converts CSS file to make them compatible with HTML5 Document Type.


pyActionArea conversion opportunities

Harness rules created in releases before V6.1 may reference the older and less flexible Work-.Action section, or one of a few other action sections. While the V5 Work-. Action section (and other standard action sections included in V6.1) remains functional and supported, the Work-.pyActionArea is recommended.  
Refer PDN article


General Utilities

The following utilities are available for identifying general issues with your application.




List dynamic select captions with " "

Shows dynamic select control occurrences that have    in the default caption.

List Sections having " "

Shows all Sections containing  


Applications that are built on the Pega 7 Platform are cross-browser compatible because the rules that are used in the applications are HTML5 and CSS3 compliant. Applications that were developed in PRPC 6.x might have rules that contain custom HTML code that is not compliant with HTML5 and CSS3. Incompatible custom HTML code hinders the cross-browser compatibility of such applications.

Before you upgrade your PRPC 6.x applications, run the Deprecated HTML report to identify custom HTML code and update the code to be compatible with HTML5 and CSS3. 


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